JANUARY 8, 2025
Improve Your Health in 2025: Attend a Learning Lunch
Do you want to improve your health in 2025? Join the Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) at its Learning Lunches. Each month, starting in January, the AHCA will focus on a different topic, such as how to set smart goals, prevent strokes, manage stress, debunk health myths, and so much more.
“We began a lunch series on diabetes education in July 2024,” explains Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of the Albion Health Care Alliance. “And it really took off. People were craving-and benefiting from-learning how to better take care of themselves. So we are expanding the program and hoping to help Albion-area residents even more.”
Each month’s program will be the first Wednesday of the month, 12 noon – 1:30 p.m., except for January. That program will be on Wednesday, January 8. Its focus will be on setting SMART goals for the new year. All programs will be at the Bread of Life Ministries, 916 N. Superior in Albion.
Participants must register in advance to receive a free lunch. Contact Monique at (517) 629-5080 or [email protected]
To learn about each month’s topic, visit AHCA on Facebook.
This program is supported by the Fund for Greater Albion of the Albion Community Foundation. Founded in 1968, the Foundation is committed to strengthening the greater Albion area. “We are extremely grateful to the Albion Community Foundation for investing in the health of our community,” Mitchell said.
Improve Your Health in 2025: Attend a Learning Lunch
Do you want to improve your health in 2025? Join the Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) at its Learning Lunches. Each month, starting in January, the AHCA will focus on a different topic, such as how to set smart goals, prevent strokes, manage stress, debunk health myths, and so much more.
“We began a lunch series on diabetes education in July 2024,” explains Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of the Albion Health Care Alliance. “And it really took off. People were craving-and benefiting from-learning how to better take care of themselves. So we are expanding the program and hoping to help Albion-area residents even more.”
Each month’s program will be the first Wednesday of the month, 12 noon – 1:30 p.m., except for January. That program will be on Wednesday, January 8. Its focus will be on setting SMART goals for the new year. All programs will be at the Bread of Life Ministries, 916 N. Superior in Albion.
Participants must register in advance to receive a free lunch. Contact Monique at (517) 629-5080 or [email protected]
To learn about each month’s topic, visit AHCA on Facebook.
This program is supported by the Fund for Greater Albion of the Albion Community Foundation. Founded in 1968, the Foundation is committed to strengthening the greater Albion area. “We are extremely grateful to the Albion Community Foundation for investing in the health of our community,” Mitchell said.
Pump for a Cause
Fill up your neighbor’s fridge when you fill up your vehicle with gas! Kelly Fuels is inviting drivers to benefit the Community Table of Albion (CTA) during its Pump for a Cause campaign. It will donate a portion of your purchase at pump number 6 at its Mobil gas station on C Drive North in Albion to the CTA. You can also donate inside the station. This fundraiser lasts until the end of January.
“We are grateful for the support of partners like Kelly Fuels,” says Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of the Albion Health Care Alliance. “Without the support of our community, we could not give support to our community.”
The Community Table is managed by the Albion Health Care Alliance. Each month, it provides free food to hundreds of local people through three drive-through distributions and two food pantries
Pump for a Cause
Fill up your neighbor’s fridge when you fill up your vehicle with gas! Kelly Fuels is inviting drivers to benefit the Community Table of Albion (CTA) during its Pump for a Cause campaign. It will donate a portion of your purchase at pump number 6 at its Mobil gas station on C Drive North in Albion to the CTA. You can also donate inside the station. This fundraiser lasts until the end of January.
“We are grateful for the support of partners like Kelly Fuels,” says Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of the Albion Health Care Alliance. “Without the support of our community, we could not give support to our community.”
The Community Table is managed by the Albion Health Care Alliance. Each month, it provides free food to hundreds of local people through three drive-through distributions and two food pantries
Christmas in July Fundraiser
The Albion Health Care Alliance is raising money and collecting food donations during the month of July, to ensure local families have a Christmas dinner. This “Christmas in July” fundraiser will benefit AHCA’s Community Table of Albion.
The Community Table serves approximately 500 households, by hosting three drive-through distributions and two food pantries each month. AHCA aims to receive enough money and food to be able to assemble 400 holiday food boxes, which will be given out the week before Christmas.
St. James' Episcopal Church, 119 W Erie Street, and First United Methodist Church, 600 E. Michigan Avenue, are hosting a food drive and accepting canned green beans and corn, as well as cookie packets and jars of gravy.
Three companies are also collecting food, but there’s a unique twist to it. “Whichever company gathers the most items for our Christmas in July food drive will be crowned the winner,” said AHCA Executive Director Jessica Mitchell. “They will have bragging rights-and receive our Food Hero award.” Solv Energy is collecting stuffing; Team 1 Plastics, cranberry sauce; and Caster Concepts, boxed mashed potatoes.
“We are grateful to the support of our community,” Mitchell said. “Without your donations, our neighbors may have to do without, this Christmas.”
You can donate at www.albionhca.org or send a check payable to the Albion Health Care Alliance at 115 Market Place, Albion, Michigan, 49224.
Albion in Motion Offers Free Motion and Diabetes Education Classes
The Albion Health Care Alliance wants to “get Albion moving and learning!” says its Executive Director, Jessica Mitchell. It is announcing new Motion Classes as well as Lunch ‘N’ Learns. Both will start next month.
This is part of AHCA’s Albion in Motion program. It was designed to help people who have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
“Albion has the highest number of adults with diabetes in Calhoun County,” said Mitchell. That number is slightly more than 12%. In parts of Albion, nearly 20% of adults are living with diabetes. “So we want to help these people better take care of themselves.”
Albion in Motion will offer free Motion Classes on Mondays, starting July 8, from 5:30-6:30 pm, at Holland Park, 100 North Albion Street in Albion. They will be taught by a fitness instructor. Those who participate will receive a gift card. They can attend as many of the classes as they’d like. These classes will go through September 30.
The Motion Classes will welcome anyone of any age. Those 17-years and younger must have a parent or guardian present with them, during the classes.
“But getting up and moving around is only part of the solution,” Mitchell adds. Albion in Motion will also host Lunch ‘N’ Learns, to raise awareness and education about diabetes.
The first one is Wednesday, July 17, and its topic is Diabetes 101. Attendees must RSVP by July 3 in order to receive a free lunch.
The next one is Wednesday, August 21. Its topic is Skin and Wound Care. Attendees must RSVP by August 7 in order to receive a free lunch. On Tuesday, September 10, the topic will be Understanding Nutrition Labels. The RSVP deadline is August 27. The final Lunch ‘N’ Learn is Wednesday, October 9. Its topic is Diabetic Medications. The RSVP deadline is September 25.
Classes will be held at Bread of Life Ministries, 916 N. Superior Street in Albion, and will go from noon until 1pm. All Lunch ‘N’ Learn participants will receive a gift card at the end of each class. They can attend as many as they’d like. To RSVP, contact Alfredia at (517) 629-5080 [email protected] Please indicate any dietary restrictions you have.
Albion in Motion is supported by the Binda Foundation as well as the Fund for Greater Albion and the Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Fund of the Albion Community Foundation. Founded in 1968, the Albion Community Foundation distributes grants annually to local nonprofits for community programming and supports special projects within the community that enhance our quality of life. The Binda Foundation improves the quality of life and promotes equitable outcomes for Battle Creek and Calhoun County by supporting education, health and human services, and arts and culture.
Stay up-to-date on this program (including potential cancellations), by visiting the Albion Health Care Alliance’s or the Albion in Motion’s Facebook page. For more information about AHCA, visit www.albionhca.org or call (517) 629-5080.
Cooling Centers Announced
Starting this Sunday, high temperatures in the Albion-area are supposed to be around 90 degrees, or higher, for at least a week. The Albion Health Care Alliance is encouraging area residents to stay cool.
“If you don’t have air conditioning or a fan in your home, visit a neighbor or a friend who does,” says Albion Health Care Alliance Executive Director, Jessica Mitchell. “If that isn’t an option, find a local business where you can visit for a little bit during the afternoon or evening hours.”
AHCA announces the following places have agreed to be cooling centers:
Tractor Supply’s manager says you can even bring your pets in for a while.
Some of these places may open later or during scheduled times off-so please call or check the organization’s Facebook page.
Here are other ways you can take care of yourself during warm weather, says Mitchell:
Health and Safety Expo Coming in June
What would you do if your family had an emergency? How do you keep your food safe? How can you make your home more energy-efficient? These are just some of the answers you’ll find at this year’s Health and Safety Expo. It will be held on Saturday, June 29, at the Albion Ambulance and Fire Station, 207 N. Clinton St.
This free, family-friendly event is coordinated by the Albion Health Care Alliance. It will feature more than 20 local organizations who will share information about their services and resources.
Attendees will receive first aid kits, bicycle helmets, and more, while supplies last. They will also receive the chance to win a free bicycle!
The sixth annual Health and Safety Expo is sponsored by SEEL, LLC, the Albion-Homer United Way, Bronson Health Care, Albion Volunteer Service Organization, Oaklawn Hospital, UnitedHealthcare, Forks Senior Center, CareWell Services, the Calhoun County Public Health Department, and Meridian.
MAY 10
Letter Carriers Partner with AHCA to Stamp Out Hunger Tomorrow
Albion, Michigan — The Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) is pleased to announce that its food pantry will be a recipient of tomorrow’s postal initiative to collect food for the hungry.
Each year on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers collect donations of non-perishable food items to benefit local food pantries as part of their Stamp Out Hunger food drive. This year, AHCA’s Community Table of Albion will receive some of the local donations.
“We could not help our neighbors without the support of this great community,” said Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of AHCA. “We are thankful for our local letter carriers, as well as the residents who went through their cupboards to gather up some food for our pantry.”
Letter carriers say, you should leave your food donation in a bag near your mailbox tomorrow morning, and they will do the rest.
The Community Table of Albion offers a drive-through food distribution three times a month and a food pantry twice a month. Nearly 450 households are given food each month.
The mission of the Albion Health Care Alliance is to be a recognized and trusted Albion community partner helping area residents achieve optimal health.
Christmas in July Fundraiser
The Albion Health Care Alliance is raising money and collecting food donations during the month of July, to ensure local families have a Christmas dinner. This “Christmas in July” fundraiser will benefit AHCA’s Community Table of Albion.
The Community Table serves approximately 500 households, by hosting three drive-through distributions and two food pantries each month. AHCA aims to receive enough money and food to be able to assemble 400 holiday food boxes, which will be given out the week before Christmas.
St. James' Episcopal Church, 119 W Erie Street, and First United Methodist Church, 600 E. Michigan Avenue, are hosting a food drive and accepting canned green beans and corn, as well as cookie packets and jars of gravy.
Three companies are also collecting food, but there’s a unique twist to it. “Whichever company gathers the most items for our Christmas in July food drive will be crowned the winner,” said AHCA Executive Director Jessica Mitchell. “They will have bragging rights-and receive our Food Hero award.” Solv Energy is collecting stuffing; Team 1 Plastics, cranberry sauce; and Caster Concepts, boxed mashed potatoes.
“We are grateful to the support of our community,” Mitchell said. “Without your donations, our neighbors may have to do without, this Christmas.”
You can donate at www.albionhca.org or send a check payable to the Albion Health Care Alliance at 115 Market Place, Albion, Michigan, 49224.
Albion in Motion Offers Free Motion and Diabetes Education Classes
The Albion Health Care Alliance wants to “get Albion moving and learning!” says its Executive Director, Jessica Mitchell. It is announcing new Motion Classes as well as Lunch ‘N’ Learns. Both will start next month.
This is part of AHCA’s Albion in Motion program. It was designed to help people who have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
“Albion has the highest number of adults with diabetes in Calhoun County,” said Mitchell. That number is slightly more than 12%. In parts of Albion, nearly 20% of adults are living with diabetes. “So we want to help these people better take care of themselves.”
Albion in Motion will offer free Motion Classes on Mondays, starting July 8, from 5:30-6:30 pm, at Holland Park, 100 North Albion Street in Albion. They will be taught by a fitness instructor. Those who participate will receive a gift card. They can attend as many of the classes as they’d like. These classes will go through September 30.
The Motion Classes will welcome anyone of any age. Those 17-years and younger must have a parent or guardian present with them, during the classes.
“But getting up and moving around is only part of the solution,” Mitchell adds. Albion in Motion will also host Lunch ‘N’ Learns, to raise awareness and education about diabetes.
The first one is Wednesday, July 17, and its topic is Diabetes 101. Attendees must RSVP by July 3 in order to receive a free lunch.
The next one is Wednesday, August 21. Its topic is Skin and Wound Care. Attendees must RSVP by August 7 in order to receive a free lunch. On Tuesday, September 10, the topic will be Understanding Nutrition Labels. The RSVP deadline is August 27. The final Lunch ‘N’ Learn is Wednesday, October 9. Its topic is Diabetic Medications. The RSVP deadline is September 25.
Classes will be held at Bread of Life Ministries, 916 N. Superior Street in Albion, and will go from noon until 1pm. All Lunch ‘N’ Learn participants will receive a gift card at the end of each class. They can attend as many as they’d like. To RSVP, contact Alfredia at (517) 629-5080 [email protected] Please indicate any dietary restrictions you have.
Albion in Motion is supported by the Binda Foundation as well as the Fund for Greater Albion and the Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Fund of the Albion Community Foundation. Founded in 1968, the Albion Community Foundation distributes grants annually to local nonprofits for community programming and supports special projects within the community that enhance our quality of life. The Binda Foundation improves the quality of life and promotes equitable outcomes for Battle Creek and Calhoun County by supporting education, health and human services, and arts and culture.
Stay up-to-date on this program (including potential cancellations), by visiting the Albion Health Care Alliance’s or the Albion in Motion’s Facebook page. For more information about AHCA, visit www.albionhca.org or call (517) 629-5080.
Cooling Centers Announced
Starting this Sunday, high temperatures in the Albion-area are supposed to be around 90 degrees, or higher, for at least a week. The Albion Health Care Alliance is encouraging area residents to stay cool.
“If you don’t have air conditioning or a fan in your home, visit a neighbor or a friend who does,” says Albion Health Care Alliance Executive Director, Jessica Mitchell. “If that isn’t an option, find a local business where you can visit for a little bit during the afternoon or evening hours.”
AHCA announces the following places have agreed to be cooling centers:
- The Cram Center, 115 Market Place, call the owner, which is the AHCA, (517) 629-5080;
- The Albion District Library, 501 South Superior Street, (517) 629-3993;
- The Forks Senior Center, 101 North Albion Street, (517) 629-3842;
- The Albion Housing Commission, 301 West Erie and 1300 Cooper Street, (517) 629-2511;
- Albion College’s The Ludington Center, 101 N. Superior St.;
- The Mayor’s Office in Albion’s City Hall, at 112 W. Cass St.;
- Tractor Supply Company, 1448 North Eaton Street, (517) 630-0013.
Tractor Supply’s manager says you can even bring your pets in for a while.
Some of these places may open later or during scheduled times off-so please call or check the organization’s Facebook page.
Here are other ways you can take care of yourself during warm weather, says Mitchell:
- Drink plenty of water, before you feel thirsty.
- Avoid outside activities during the warmest part of the day, which is typically 3-6pm, if you can.
- If you are outside, stay in the shade.
- Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
- Take cool showers or baths.
- Never leave a child or pet inside a vehicle.
- Take care of your pets too; make sure they get water and time in the shade or your home.
Health and Safety Expo Coming in June
What would you do if your family had an emergency? How do you keep your food safe? How can you make your home more energy-efficient? These are just some of the answers you’ll find at this year’s Health and Safety Expo. It will be held on Saturday, June 29, at the Albion Ambulance and Fire Station, 207 N. Clinton St.
This free, family-friendly event is coordinated by the Albion Health Care Alliance. It will feature more than 20 local organizations who will share information about their services and resources.
Attendees will receive first aid kits, bicycle helmets, and more, while supplies last. They will also receive the chance to win a free bicycle!
The sixth annual Health and Safety Expo is sponsored by SEEL, LLC, the Albion-Homer United Way, Bronson Health Care, Albion Volunteer Service Organization, Oaklawn Hospital, UnitedHealthcare, Forks Senior Center, CareWell Services, the Calhoun County Public Health Department, and Meridian.
MAY 10
Letter Carriers Partner with AHCA to Stamp Out Hunger Tomorrow
Albion, Michigan — The Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) is pleased to announce that its food pantry will be a recipient of tomorrow’s postal initiative to collect food for the hungry.
Each year on the second Saturday in May, letter carriers collect donations of non-perishable food items to benefit local food pantries as part of their Stamp Out Hunger food drive. This year, AHCA’s Community Table of Albion will receive some of the local donations.
“We could not help our neighbors without the support of this great community,” said Jessica Mitchell, Executive Director of AHCA. “We are thankful for our local letter carriers, as well as the residents who went through their cupboards to gather up some food for our pantry.”
Letter carriers say, you should leave your food donation in a bag near your mailbox tomorrow morning, and they will do the rest.
The Community Table of Albion offers a drive-through food distribution three times a month and a food pantry twice a month. Nearly 450 households are given food each month.
The mission of the Albion Health Care Alliance is to be a recognized and trusted Albion community partner helping area residents achieve optimal health.
Albion Health Care Alliance Announces New Executive Director
Albion, Michigan — The Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) Board of Directors is pleased to announce it has hired Jessica Mitchell as Executive Director. She is no stranger to the non-profit. She was a volunteer and a key planner for one of AHCA’s events, Healthy Babies Day, starting in 2016.
“I am excited to join an organization that has a strong history of working to improve the lives of people in the Albion-area, and partnering with so many other community groups,” said Mitchell. “I am grateful for the warm welcome I have already received.”
In addition to coordinating Healthy Babies Day, Mitchell worked with families at the Jackson County Health Department. Prior to that, she was responsible for communications at the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and marketing and fundraising for the Cascades Humane Society in Jackson. Mitchell brings more than 20 years of marketing experience. She began at AHCA in February.
“The Board is excited to see how Jessica’s experience in non-profit work and her vision will shape the future of AHCA,” said Board President, Dr. Barbara Keyes.
Mitchell has lived in the Albion area for 20 years. She and her husband have two daughters.
Albion Health Care Alliance Announces New Executive Director
Albion, Michigan — The Albion Health Care Alliance (AHCA) Board of Directors is pleased to announce it has hired Jessica Mitchell as Executive Director. She is no stranger to the non-profit. She was a volunteer and a key planner for one of AHCA’s events, Healthy Babies Day, starting in 2016.
“I am excited to join an organization that has a strong history of working to improve the lives of people in the Albion-area, and partnering with so many other community groups,” said Mitchell. “I am grateful for the warm welcome I have already received.”
In addition to coordinating Healthy Babies Day, Mitchell worked with families at the Jackson County Health Department. Prior to that, she was responsible for communications at the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, and marketing and fundraising for the Cascades Humane Society in Jackson. Mitchell brings more than 20 years of marketing experience. She began at AHCA in February.
“The Board is excited to see how Jessica’s experience in non-profit work and her vision will shape the future of AHCA,” said Board President, Dr. Barbara Keyes.
Mitchell has lived in the Albion area for 20 years. She and her husband have two daughters.